(717) 938-4128
(717) 542-3530


  • From Nick on 5-30-2018

    Prayers for Steve and your whole family!! Glad you found some help finally! Love and miss you guys!

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    2018/05/30 at 10:30 pm
  • From Jo-Ann Howard on 5-30-2018

    My prayers are with you all.

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    2018/05/30 at 9:55 pm
  • From Bev Peters on 5-30-2018

    Father, we thank you for Steve and Dawn, Brian and the family. We know you are with all. We thank you for helping each and every one. We pray as Steve goes to surgery tomorrow that you would clothe Yourself in the doctors, and helpevery medical technician, the anesthesiologist to make this a routine procedure. We pray for peace and skill for each person as they work on Steve. Peace for Dawn and Brian and Scott and other friends and family also, Father. We ask for speedy recovery for Steve and miracle healing for Brian. We love you and thank you Lord for hearing and answering our prayers. In Jesus’ Name Amen

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    2018/05/30 at 9:28 pm
  • From Robyn Adams on 5-30-2018

    Thinking of you, Steve, and Brian. Prayers!!

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    2018/05/30 at 9:25 pm
  • From Turko on 5-30-2018

    Steve will do wonderful with his surgery, he is a tough guy and will push through! Keep doing awesome work Brian, it will all pay off one day! Prayers for you all : )

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    2018/05/30 at 8:47 pm
  • From Marsha Young on 5-30-2018

    Praying for all of you.

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    2018/05/30 at 8:45 pm
  • From Mary L. Fetrow on 5-30-2018

    All of you are in my prayers.

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    2018/05/30 at 8:37 pm
  • From Bev Peters on 5-21-2018

    Hi Dawn, you all are always on my heart and in our prayers. We pray for miracles for Brian. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. The healing power He showed when He walked the earth are equally available today. I beseech God on behalf of my brother, Brian, to HEAL him from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. In the powerful Name of Jesus!!!!! amen. Shalom ( literally means “As God wills it”)

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    2018/05/29 at 9:50 pm
  • From Alice on 5-21-2018

    Oh, no! I am so sorry to hear this. May I share this with friends who are involved in pt and other rehab activities? I won’t share without permission, but I just have a feeling that I know someone who can help. Thoughts and prayers with you all.


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    2018/05/22 at 11:44 am
  • From Bev Peters on 5-4-2018. 15:48

    You are and have been on our minds and in our hearts and our prayers. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all we can ever ask or expect. You are not alone. He is with you. Jesus, heal Brian I pray with all my heart ❤️. Love you guys

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    2018/05/21 at 9:41 pm