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  • From Mary L. Fetrow on 2-11-2018 16:36

    Thank you. He and your family are constantly in my prayers. I also know the Lord is working hard for Brian. Jane Lerch (she made the pockets for Brian to put on his wheelchair when your house was being made over) from my Church keeps asking about Brian and I keep her informed. Each time I read about Brian I feel something wonderful has or will happen. Keep the Faith.

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    2018/02/11 at 5:36 pm
  • From Debra Trimmer on 1-19-2018. 08:30

    Wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing this!!!
    It would be so awesome if Brian were chosen for a clinical trial!!!
    God is good!!!

    Hugs to everyone,
    The Trimmers

    Go to comment
    2018/01/19 at 4:39 pm
  • From Alice on 1-19-2018. 08:30

    Great news!

    Go to comment
    2018/01/19 at 9:57 am
  • From Robyn Adams on 1-15-2015. 11:33

    Informative and inspiring interview. Thanks for sharing!

    Go to comment
    2018/01/16 at 1:50 pm
  • From Mary L. Fetrow on 1-15-2015. 11:33

    Thanks. I enjoyed it on the computer because I never watch Fox news. It is wonderful what technology is available for Brian. I also sent the web site to many who knew his grandparents.

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    2018/01/15 at 10:53 pm
  • From Debra Trimmer on 1-15-2015. 11:33

    Thanks for letting everyone know!!!

    The Trimmers

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    2018/01/15 at 11:53 am
  • From JSF on 1-12-2018. 20:49

    Brian says that he owes much to his friends. I get that. He owes more to his parents. We’ve watched Steve give up whatever plans he had for life and focus on Brian, even to the point of going to college with him. We’ve watched Dawn go to bat over and over again with insurance companies in order to make sure that the costs of all of the equipment and medical care would be covered. Both lived in Oklahoma for the months that allowed Brian to coach. Both agreed to the house remodel which kept Brian out of what used to be called an institution. Both center their lives around their son. Friends are great, but did Brian ever score by getting the parents that he has. Don’t take them for granted, young man. Your friends help you with your optimism. Your parents give you the ability about which you can be optimistic.

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    2018/01/13 at 6:41 pm
  • From Debra Trimmer on 1-12-2018. 20:49

    Thanks for the info!!!
    We will definitely take a look at the York Dispatch article.
    Prayers always…..
    Hugs to everyone,
    The Trimmers

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    2018/01/13 at 9:36 am
  • From JSF on 1-4 18 13:16

    Yes, do get to those pictures. Viewing the one you have posted of a very young Brian is making me feel old! This horridly cold weather is giving you a great excuse to stay indoors, stay home, and focus on “paperwork.”

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    2018/01/05 at 7:45 am
  • From Susan (Dave Kline's sister) on 1-4 18 13:16

    Dawn, I was so glad to see you and your family on Sunday. I could see changes in Brian!

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    2018/01/04 at 3:21 pm
    • From Dawn on 1-4 18 13:16

      Susan, Thank you. Those comments keep us going because it is hard to see progress day to day. It was nice to see you also.

      Go to comment
      2018/01/04 at 5:15 pm