(717) 938-4128
(717) 542-3530


  • From Bev Peters on 1-10-2019. 18:40

    Oh Dear Kind precious Father, have mercy and send your healing balm! Dear Jesus, you are the One Who heals!!! We beseech you to have mercy on Brian and eradicate this disorder right now. Oh God take away these headaches and sleeplessness and give peaceful rest to this family. God, keep Brian. God have mercy and heal him God bless and lift them up- each and every one!!! They need you and I’m begging you in the most Piwerful Name- the Name of Jesus. Amen

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    2019/01/10 at 9:46 pm
  • From Candy Garver on 1-10-2019. 18:40

    Prayers that your care team will find a solution for this new condition for Brian!

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    2019/01/10 at 9:08 pm
  • From Robyn A on 1-10-2019. 18:40

    Prayers! Brian had an amazing interview! Continue to be positive at all cost.

    Go to comment
    2019/01/10 at 7:49 pm
  • From Deb Beissel on 11-12-2018. 1 9:10

    Thanks for the continuous updates on Brian! We serve an Awesome God!!!

    Go to comment
    2018/11/14 at 1:13 pm
  • From Jo-Ann Howard on 11-12-2018. 1 9:10

    Thank you for the updates, Dawn. It is so good to hear about, and see the progress Brian is making. Our prayers continue for Brian, you and Steve.

    Go to comment
    2018/11/13 at 3:47 pm
  • From Candy on 11-12-2018. 1 9:10

    Wow… all of you are working so hard. Thank you for the updates. You will be rewarded for your dedication!

    Go to comment
    2018/11/13 at 9:00 am
  • From Joan on 11-12-2018. 1 9:10

    Thank you for sharing, I am so thankful for his progress. I watched the videos a few times!!! You and Steve are amazing advocates and team members for Brian. Enjoy your drive to the PA Wilds, hoping you can all relax and enjoy the visit and event.

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    2018/11/13 at 8:22 am
  • From Debra Trimmer on 11-12-2018. 1 9:10

    Your posts about KKI are always so interesting with all of the new and exciting ways they work with Brian!! Progress is definitely being made and we admire all of your efforts. Great to hear about the giving spirit by caring people when you were at the restaurant!!
    Hugs to everyone!
    The Trimmers

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    2018/11/12 at 9:05 pm
  • From Kathy Z on 11-12-2018. 1 9:10

    Love to see the progress!

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    2018/11/12 at 9:02 pm
  • From Bev Peters on 11-12-2018. 1 9:10

    I am so grateful for your posts!! Thank you for taking the time!
    I am also glad to hear of stim movements. We heartily pray for you all- especially total healing for Brian. May God’s spirit rain down upon you and encourage your heavy hearts. Every day is another day closer to walking. God bless you all!!! Blessings

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    2018/11/12 at 8:36 pm
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