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  • From Carolyn Seiss on 4-28-2019 09:53

    I remember Brian from an episode of Extreme Makeover Home Edition in 2011. Does still live in that house that Ty Pennington and his team rebuilt with his family? How’s he doing today?

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    2022/05/13 at 4:31 pm
  • From JSF on 4-28-2019 09:53

    Sounds good. Keep walking the walk. I’m awaiting that smack!

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    2019/04/28 at 6:39 pm
  • From Debra Trimmer on 4-28-2019 09:53

    I can only imagine that Brian would have such a positive influence on this newly injured young man. I am sure that both he and his mother so appreciated the time and information you shared with them.
    May God continue to bless all of you!
    Hugs to everyone,
    The Trimmers

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    2019/04/28 at 5:28 pm
    • From Jo-Ann and Gary Howard on 4-28-2019 09:53

      That’s great news! Our prayers continue for Brian, Steve and you, Dawn.

      Go to comment
      2019/04/29 at 9:15 am
  • From Robyn Adams on 4-28-2019 09:53

    Thank you for your update. Prayers for healing.

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    2019/04/28 at 1:43 pm
  • From Candy Garver on 4-5-2019 20:34

    So inspiring! Best wishes!

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    2019/04/07 at 7:37 am
  • From Bev Peters on 4-5-2019 20:34

    Hallelujah to our God for His healing hand!!! We always pray for Brian with hopeful hearts. We keep you in our thoughts and prayers and await the total healing. With lots of love

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    2019/04/07 at 5:43 am
  • From Allen on 4-5-2019 20:34

    What super news… I am so excited to hear this news… we all believe!!

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    2019/04/06 at 10:56 pm
  • From Beverley Peters on 3-8-2019. 20:11

    Thank you for the update!!! We always remember you in our prayers daily and as God beings you to mind. We are grateful for the touches God gives. We are grateful for you and Steve as well as Brian. I pray for speedy recovery with no complications. I also pray God will bring just the right person for Brian’s therapy. Lord hear our prayers for this need! Thank you Jesus for sci injury research. We pray for your miracle healing touch. Thank you for hope of full recovery. Thank you Jesus for all you do for us!!!!

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    2019/03/10 at 10:31 pm
  • From Bev on 2-6-2019. 08:25. Job opportunity

    Hi Keefer family!!! We praise God those autoimmune episodes are over!!! Thank you, Jesus!!! We continue to rattle the gates of heaven for complete and total healing ASAP. Thank you for the update. We pray you will find a person to help Brian. We also pray for stamina for you and Steve. We never forget you- and neither does God❤️

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    2019/02/07 at 2:03 pm
  • From Candy Garver on 2-6-2019. 08:25. Job opportunity

    Clinical trial would be so great for Brian. Prayers that the right one comes along!

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    2019/02/06 at 10:41 am
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