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  • From Bev Peters on 11-12-2018. 1 9:10

    I am so grateful for your posts!! Thank you for taking the time!
    I am also glad to hear of stim movements. We heartily pray for you all- especially total healing for Brian. May God’s spirit rain down upon you and encourage your heavy hearts. Every day is another day closer to walking. God bless you all!!! Blessings

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    2018/11/12 at 8:36 pm
  • From Allen Ray on 10-29-2018. 09:15

    Holy Mackerel!!! That is great news. Hope you guys are doing well. I’m in Seattle talking technology. Hope I get to see y’all soon.

    Go to comment
    2018/10/30 at 7:00 pm
  • From Beverley J Peters on 10-29-2018. 09:15

    WOW!!! That is WONDERFUL!!! Praising Jesus along with you! Praying for Brian every day. Celebrating this milestone with all of you!!! Praying for miracle healing and celebrating all recovery!!!

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    2018/10/29 at 12:19 pm
  • From Debra Trimmer on 10-29-2018. 09:15

    That is awesome!!! I bet Brain loved it!!!
    Hugs to everyone,
    The Trimmers

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    2018/10/29 at 11:22 am
  • From J S Funck on 10-29-2018. 09:15

    Oh, I’m in trouble. That slap on the arm I’m expecting to get is going to happen sooner rather than later. Brian’s facial expression said it all. Way to go!

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    2018/10/29 at 9:56 am
  • From Robyn on 10-29-2018. 09:15

    Great news!♥️

    Go to comment
    2018/10/29 at 9:23 am
  • From J S Funck on 10-23-2018. 21:20

    Boy, did you write an upbeat update! I get lost in the medical terminology. Also like the look of your site. Appreciate this opportunity to keep in touch.

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    2018/10/24 at 11:12 am
  • From Deb Trimmer on 10-23-2018. 21:20

    We are always happy to hear of Brian’s progress. His positive attitude is so inspiring. We pray that, in the new year, he can enjoy an activity of his choice. Thanks for the update.
    Hugs to everyone,
    The Trimmers

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    2018/10/24 at 7:33 am
  • From Candy Garver on 10-23-2018. 21:20

    Kki is a special place for you and your family. So encouraging to read of Brian’s progress!

    Go to comment
    2018/10/24 at 5:55 am
  • From Bev Peters on 10-23-2018. 21:20

    Thank you for the update. You all were so on my mind today. I’m glad to hear of progress and the possibility of activities. I am sure the days are long. I empathize. But we also rattle the doors of heaven and beseech the loving God who walks through this with you. May you know His strength is undergirding you. May you all feel His presence daily as you keep on keeping on. May you indeed continue to believe for Brian’s healing. We pray for you every day. We ask for healing and encouragement and peace as you deal every day. May you be blessed as you all are a blessing & an inspiration. God bless you! Love Bev

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    2018/10/23 at 10:33 pm
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